We all use plastic trash bags. There's no way around it. 

BioNatur Plastic is leading the industry in the production of truly biodegradable plastics that biodegrade in a landfill in 8-12 years into water, organic materials and gases.

Don’t Let Other “Biodegradable” Products Fool You 

If they cite ASTM D6954 as their way for measuring degradation, this means they are degradable, not BIO-degradable. While those plastics just break down further and further into microplastics, we truly biodegrade in a landfill into dirt and gases.

BioNatur Plastics are tested according to ASTM D5526 and D5511 standards to prove that they are BIODEGRADABLE in a landfill.

Biodegradation of BioNatur plastic occurs only when placed in a landfill environment, by microorganisms naturally occurring in the landfill. The end products resulting from the biodegradation process are natural materials such as inert humus, water, methane and CO2.

While all compostable material is biodegradable, not all biodegradable material is compostable. Our bags are not compostable but do breakdown in a landfill where most of your trash bags end up!

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learn more about BioNatur

Visit our site to learn more about the science behind our biodegradable plastic and other plastic products that BioNatur produces.